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This section is for informational and discussion purposes only and may not be relied upon as legal advice. See Terms of Use. Send your practice pointers and requests for practice pointers to best@justice if you feel they will benefit others. Any copywrites etc are thereby waived or transferred. Share any advice regarding individual trial courts e.g. unwritten rules, procedures, calendaring problems etc. Provide your name and e mail address for others to contact you.
Sample court
setting memo and checklist
Obtain discovery without a motion by the meet and confer process
Meet & Confer process as a Discovery Abuse
Say it all in the notice of motion and motion
Win the motion with your separate statement
Appear for depositions unless you obtain a protective order prior thereto
Affidavit for records production & oral exam
Anonymous Posters to Internet Sites
Corporate Depositions C.C.P. §2025.230 [former(d)(6)]
Videotaping: Do it yourself
Objections to Document Production at Deposition
Resolving Privilege & Privacy Disputes In Non-party Records Depositions
Cost Shifting
Most common error: failure to respond per statuteDiscovery of Anonymous Posters to Internet Sites
Objection to Document Production at Deposition
Resolving Privilege & Privacy Disputes In Non-party Records Depositions
Sample court
setting memo and
The hype accompanying the adoption of FRCP
rules regarding e-discovery focused commentators and lawyers on the
duties to meet and confer early on discovery matters and on the case
management. In some courts, the days of the "drive-by meet and
confer" may be numbered and lawyers may have to devote time, talent and
energy to use this process effectively. Those who adopt a passive
approach or rely on evasion or ignorance may be at a serious
disadvantage. Lawyers must have both an understanding of their case and
a clear idea of their discovery goals. They need a strategy with
specific objectives and proposals. This may be the the first and most
important contact with opposing counsel and the court and may greatly
influence the conduct of the litigation and the nature of the
relationships of the participants.
From the time civil discovery rules were first enacted for the
avowed purposes of reducing the cost of litigation
and resolving disputes in an expeditious manner, lawyers, litigants and
judges have been complaining about discovery.
Often, the solution proposed is to rewrite the rules and sometimes they
are rewritten; but, the complaints continue
unabated: perhaps because generic rules may not fit all cases; perhaps
because the effective implementation and
enforcement of rules is critical; perhaps because the rules and
concepts are not being used effectively.
Lawyers and judges may not be using all the tools available to
formulate a cost efficient and effective discovery
program. Too often the routine use of what amounts to boilerplate
discovery simply increases costs without providing
meaningful discovery that can be used in trial preparation or trial.
Making motions is time consuming and expensive,
can delay meaningful discovery for months if not years, and may only
result in piles of useless paper. However,
counsel and courts can modify rules and procedures and use the
flexibility of the discovery rules to facilitate
the process. In this arena, lawyers can provide an invaluable service
for their clients and the courts if they
work together for their mutual benefit and if they enlist the services
of the court to formulate and enforce procedures
tailored to their needs and the specific litigation.
Although the discovery rules generally work when followed in good
faith, one size does not always fit all and fine
tuning or modification of rules may be desirable for all concerned.
Discovery rules and concepts combined with
deference to trial court discretion provide flexibility for fine
tuning. Much modification and fine tuning occurs
in the normal course as lawyers take a practical approach to discovery
in the particular case and as courts set
parameters through case management orders and by ruling on issues that
are not resolved in the meet and confer
process. However, ongoing litigation with unique characteristics or
complexities may justify a more creative and
aggressive approach in pursuit of the common interest of cost efficient
and effective trial preparation.
For many years, courts have recognized these needs in adopting special
rules for "complex" litigation,
by providing for assignment of cases to one judge for all purposes, and
by providing financing for experimentation
by pilot projects on "complex" civil litigation. The volume of asbestos
and other mass tort cases has
resulted in special discovery rules and case management in some courts
to facilitate that litigation. Federal and
various state courts have adopted rules or legislation for case
management either universally or on a selective
basis and there is much more that could be done in the rule making
arena to facilitate discovery. These special
rules and any evaluation of their effectiveness can serve as examples
of what might be adopted in other litigation.
However, such rules are only a starting point and their effectiveness
depends upon implementation by knowledgeable
and conscientious judges who have the time and interest to devote to
the process and who can modify rules to fit
the litigation before them.
Although governmental institutions focus special attention and funds on
cases involving large sums of money or
consuming inordinate amounts of judicial time, the need for special
attention may be more acute in smaller cases
where individuals cannot afford unlimited litigation budgets and
lawyers are restrained by economic realities.
The following sections provide authority in California to modify
procedures and control discovery by stipulation
or court order. Seldom are these sections used to their full potential
to modify discovery procedures to fit the
particular litigation, to control wasteful and unproductive discovery,
and to achieve cost effective, efficient,
and essential discovery.
Code of Civil Procedure Section 2016.030 allows lawyers to write their
rules and provides:
"Unless the court orders otherwise, the parties may by written stipulation modify the procedures provided by this title for any method of discovery permitted under Section 2019.010."
Presumably, the written stipulation would be enforced by the court
"unless the court orders otherwise".
There seem to be no standards for court rejection of a stipulation;
but, it appears to be a fail safe provision
that would only be invoked to prevent some injustice or violation of
public policy or substantive law. Nothing
prohibits the parties from stipulating that the judge or discovery
referee modify procedures as part of a case
management order, pursuant to motion, or on its own motion. That power
could be expressly granted and qualified
by the parties and by allowing a veto of any modification by unanimous
written agreement of all parties though
such control seems implicit..
Code of Civil Procedure Section 2017.730 et seq. allows courts to modify
procedures to use technology to achieve cost effective
discovery. As courts and lawyers increase their discovery and use of
electronic data and documents and begin to
embrace the use of technology in the litigation process, lawyers should
seek the application of proven technology
to achieve cost savings and efficiency. This section provides authority
for procedural modifications limited only
by the creativity and initiative of bench and bar.
Various sections authorizing protective orders provide authority to
limit discovery to protect against undue burden,
expense and intrusiveness and courts are generally afforded wide
discretion in this area. CCP§2017 applies
generally to discovery but each discovery device contains its own
provisions for protective orders. They provide
examples of the types of orders that can be obtained but are not
limited to those examples. Even the examples provide
extensive power to the courts to control and tailor discovery to the
needs of the particular case. For example,
CCP§2025.420 not only provides for the prohibition and regulation
of the manner of taking and scope of depositions
but provides for simultaneous filing of documents under seal and for
protecting confidential information. CCP §§2030.090,
2031.060, 2033.080 contain similar broad authority to regulate written
discovery, 2034.250 provides for modifications
of expert discovery and 2032 provides for regulation of medical
examinations. An example of how to use the expert
protective orders is to provide for earlier disclosure of experts in a
case that involves numerous experts or where
expert testimony is the major component of the case.
A full discussion of the many ways in which the rules could or should
be modified to fit particular litigation
is not required to appreciate the benefits to be derived. Application
of this approach is limited only by the creativity
of the participants and practical considerations. In every case,
reasonable lawyers who have good professional
relationship with opposing counsel should consider and discuss possible
alternatives with opposing counsel. Mandatory
case management conferences in every case may be wasteful; but, a
voluntary one between counsel designed to result
in appropriate stipulations and court orders, perhaps followed by a
conference with the court, should be considered.
Any effort to reach a stipulation with counsel or to seek court
intervention should be done at the earliest possible
time and before relations between counsel are strained or time
constraints prevent flexibility or impose hardships.
Often parties are well served by stipulating and retaining the services
of a discovery referee who will be available
throughout the case and on an informal basis to resolve discovery
issues without the necessity of a motion. In
so doing, they could agree on any approach to discovery dispute
resolution: e.g. whether or not to have strict
compliance with the rules, imposition of sanctions, informal
resolutions, required telephonic appearances, lengthy
or no hearings, or whatever they desire in the resolution process.
Disputes differ. Often, two good lawyers can
agree on and summarize the relevant facts and issues in a few minutes.
A proper decision can often be rendered
on that type of presentation without the necessity of spending tens of
thousands of dollars and weeks or even months
to obtain the same result through law and motion practice. Sometimes it
is more important to obtain a decision
and get on with trial preparation than it is to be the prevailing
party. However, sometimes it is important to
reserve the right to fully brief and argue the issues and to have a
complete record and full recourse to the appellate
courts. A referee might be retained to sit in on a deposition or be
available by phone to resolve disputes. Either
is a preferable and more cost effective discovery tool than engaging in
disputes at the deposition followed by
meet and confer sessions, followed by motions, followed by hearings,
followed by disputes as to the form of the
order, followed by problems in rescheduling the depositions, followed
by more disputes at the deposition, especially
when trial is set a month later.
Lawyers have many tools to facilitate discovery but most are not being
used to their full potential. Counsel can
create their own discovery rules and procedures tailored to the needs
of the particular litigation. This is best
achieved at an early stage of the litigation and by cooperation with
opposing counsel but court intevention may
be required.
See also CASE MANAGEMENT CONFERENCE: the first "motion"
Sample court
setting memo and checklist
Meet and confer rules should save time and money while expediting
and facilitating the discovery process. When
the process takes on a life of its own or is used to obstruct the
discovery process, it fails to achieve its purpose
and may rise to the level of a discovery abuse that could subject a
party or counsel to sanctions pursuant to CCP§2023.
OF ANY ISSUE". It is a clear, simple rule based on common sense
and should be easy to follow by those
who want the discovery process to work. For anyone else, there are
monetary sanctions required by CCP§2023.010(i).
The rule does not attempt to prescribe any procedure for compliance and
relies on the common sense of lawyers and
judges to make the system work.
Making this simple rule work require lawyers to use common sense, to
act in good faith, to be reasonable, to be
flexible, to be practical, and to be problem solvers. The rule does NOT
create a new layer of discovery procedures
and processes; it does not require delays in the discovery process; it
does not provide a new objection to providing
discovery; and it is not designed to frustrate the discovery process or
increase the cost of litigation. The rule
does not require lawyers to exchange lengthy, detailed, elaborate or
self-serving meet and confer letters. It does
not require any letter, though a good faith and reasonable letter might
be an appropriate means of initiating the
informal process. It does not require a meeting or telephone call,
though an informal, face to face meeting may
be the most effective means to resolve the issues. It does not require
a lawyer to compromise on important issues
such as a client's privilege. It does require at least some effort by
each side even when a lawyer is positive
no resolution is possible or that opposing counsel is hopelessly wrong
and confused.
Although the rule is simple and straight forward, the appellate courts
have been required to address the subject
on at least nine occasions. See Meet
& Confer Case Outline at
The Townsend case teaches that argument among and between
counsel in the heat of the deposition is not compliance.
The Obregon case teaches that the process should be timely
initiated and is not satisfied merely by a perfunctory
or demanding letter. It also makes clear that the rule is not designed
to prevent discovery. The Leko case
put substance and practicality ahead of form when it held that contact
meant listen to opposing counsel. The Stewart
case emphasized the practical approach and made clear the rule should
not be used to thwart the discovery process.
Read as a whole, the cases have one equally simple instruction: MAKE
San Francisco adopted a meet and confer rule during the 1970's and it
revolutionized the nature and extent of discovery
hearings. Subsequently, it was adopted as a statewide rule and today is
found in most sections of the Discovery
Act relating to most motions. It is an effective rule in the quest for
cost effective discovery. If abused, it
might result in discovery sanctions pursuant to CCP§2023.
Spoliation is no longer recognized as an independent tort in
California. When eliminated by the Cedars-Sinai
case and its progeny, one rationale was that the destruction of
evidence could be remedied within the existing
action by discovery sanctions or otherwise. It was suggested that the
destruction of evidence was an independent
abuse of discovery under CCP §2023 that could give rise to
appropriate pretrial sanctions within the pending
action. It was not made clear whether this was an expansion of the
sanction powers of the trial court. Spoliation
issues arguably beyond the express terms of the Discovery Act would
include the duty to preserve evidence absent
a formal request or specific order and the imposition of exemplary or
punitive sanctions. In addition, an issue
not addressed is whether the imposition of spoliation sanctions would
require the proof of elements and findings
by the court heretofore required by the independent tort of spoliation.
Cedars-Sinai and its progeny plus
the R.S. Creative case and the Sherman v. Kinetic Concepts
case suggest or support an expansion of
the sanctions powers of the trial court. In addition, numerous cases
have cited the broad and non-exclusionary
language of C.C.P. §2023.010 [former §2023(a)] alone to
justify discovery sanctions. The
R.S. Creative case suggests that
the tort elements need not be proven. Legislation was proposed in 2001
to add the destruction of documents as item
10 in the list of discovery abuses set forth in former CCP
§2023(a) but
no action was taken that year on the bill.
Based on the cases set forth in the Spoliation section of the Sanctions Case Outline,
the spoliation sanction in California may be described as follows:
Unless justified by the responsible party, the intentional or negligent destruction, concealment, alteration or failure to preserve documents, data, information, or other evidence, reasonably known , at the time when it is eliminated, to be relevant to the issues or subject matter of reasonably knowable, pending or probable litigation, shall be subject to appropriate pretrial sanctions imposed against a party if and to the extent such elimination of potential evidence is a reasonably certain cause of the substantial impairment of or significant prejudice to the ability to prove or disprove an element of the cause of action or defense .
Intentional, grossly negligent or other culpable conduct , done for the purpose of destroying or preventing the use of evidence or without reasonable concern for preserving evidence, and proximately causing the destruction or unavailability of relevant evidence in known pending or reasonably imminent litigation, may result in exemplary or punitive sanctions in order to adequately compensate the victim of such conduct or to deter future culpable conduct.
discovery without a motion
by the meet and confer process
Meet and confer rules evolved as local rules, state rules and now statutory rules in most discovery disputes. They have revolutionized the discovery motion process and the nature and length of hearings. They are the single most effective device to reduce costs and to focus court proceedings on legitimate and important disputes.
Some motions do not require an attempt to informally obtain discovery prior to making the motion. However, counsel concerned with saving time and money and obtaining prompt compliance will do so anyway. Why make a motion when a phone call, email, or letter will elicit the discovery and is likely to produce the discovery faster than a motion? In addition, an informal resolution is likely to contribute to a good professional working relationship with opposing counsel. If a motion is required to obtain discovery, the fact that you have attempted to obtain it without a motion strengthens your justification for monetary sanctions to compensate for your time. Some courts may be reluctant to award full compensating sanctions on a motion when it is clear that a phone call could have achieved the same result and the motion was unnecessary.
Many motions must be accompanied by declaration showing a good faith attempt at informal resolution of each issue presented by the motion; i.e. the meet and confer process must precede the motion and is a prerequisite for a motion. However, opposing counsel should not use this rule solely as a means of obstructing and delaying legitimate discovery and should assert the failure to comply when there is a reasonable possibility to resolve or reduce the issues. Normally, the meet and confer process will be productive even when the initial analysis is that it would be futile.
The meet and confer process is important and should be approached in the same manner as the motion or as a settlement conference. It is not a perfunctory hurdle for counsel to jump as a prerequisite to a court hearing. See the Townsend and Obregon cases and the Meet & Confer Case Outline. As the Obregon case illustrates, delaying the process tends to frustrate or destroy it. Ultimatums sent by regular mail over the weekend are not likely to be effective. If a motion is required counsel will have to set forth their best arguments and authorities; doing so during the meet and confer process may avoid the motion. Negotiation and compromise may provide the discovery needed without the expense of a motion.
Try to set forth all essential elements of your motion in the Notice of Motion and Motion: who, what, when, where, why, how and based on what legal authority. By doing so, you tell the judge or law clerk exactly what they need to know and what the issues are. You can start the proceeding with a favorable impression that may linger through the entire motion. The rest of the moving papers should then support each of those elements. A well written notice of motion may be 90% of the battle in many cases. Start by making the caption itself a part of your advocacy and set forth as much as possible in the caption.
In contrast, a motion that merely says it is a "Motion to Compel" or even a "Motion to Compel Discovery" or a "Motion for Protective Order" is of minimal value. If the body of the motion continues with generalities and says it is based on all pleadings and documents filed to date, it is almost of no value. Often, there is a major issue such as self incrimination, attorney client privilege, right to privacy. If you highlight that issue in the motion you focus the court's attention from the beginning.
Identify all papers specifically supporting your motion so the court is on notice what search to make to review the motion especially if there are multiple declarations. In addition, complimentary copies, well organized and tabbed, in binders or folders are the best way to assure everything is before the court for review.
Many lawyers fail to recognize the importance of the Separate Statement required by CRC Rule 335. Normally, it is the single most important document in resolving disputed motions on written discovery because it is the one document the court can use to focus on the issues that must be decided: e.g.. does this specific question have to be answered or was it actually answered. Since it contains the text of the demand and response, it is likely to be the one document the judge is looking at when the decision is made. In comparison, statements of fact and generalities of law in memoranda are of minor persuasive importance. Even highly pertinent briefing in the memorandum of points and authorities is less persuasive than the argument addressed to the specific issue on the specific question and response that must be decided. There, in one cohesive document, is the demand for discovery, all responses, and the moving party's explanation of the importance and necessity for the discovery and the deficiency of the responses and lack of merit of any objection. The moving party has a big advantage in setting forth its version of the dispute in the separate statement but many lawyers fail to take advantage of the opportunity.
The "factual and legal reasons for compelling" the discovery should be carefully drafted and addressed to the specific discovery and the specific issues to be decided. The Separate Statement should be devoid of boilerplate, the assertion of conclusions or generalities, or senseless repetition. Counsel should not view the Separate Statement as just another hoop to jump through on the way to a hearing. Rather, if properly handled, it is a golden opportunity to win the motion.
The Separate Statement format should be used even when not expressly required by Rule 335 if the discovery request and response are at issue. For example, a motion to quash a subpoena for documents may require the court to evaluate the discoverability of the particular categories. If the judge is looking at your statement of the category of documents, your objection and your explanation as to the specific deficiencies, you have a big advantage over your opponent. A motion for evidentiary or issue sanctions for not producing documents or answering questions requires the formulation of a sanction based on the discovery defect. A separate statement with the question, the answer, the explanation of the deficiency, and the proposed issue or fact to be determined as a sanction for that deficiency is an effective manner to show the court that the requested sanction is appropriate. It is also an effective way to present the established fact or issue rather than rely on the court to formulate it.
See the Sanctions Case Outline
The specific discovery sanction sections [e.g.2030.090(d)]provide
sanctions against a party "who unsuccessfully...opposes
a motion". Thus, the theory goes, if you delay, deny and frustrate
discovery you cannot be sanctioned unless
you also formally oppose a motion. If you are clearly wrong, why bother
since you cannot be held accountable for
your actions. New CRC
341, effective July 1, 2001, clarifies that such discovery abuses
may be subject to sanctions under the specific
discovery sections as well as under CCP §2023.010. Previously this
court rejected the nonaccountability theory
and issued the following tentative ruling.
Despite the introductory language of CCP§2023.030 ["to the extent
authorized."], appellate courts
have recognized the authority of trial courts to impose sanctions
pursuant to CCP §2023 to control discovery
abuses. Cedars-Sinai Medical Center v. Superior Court(1998)
[court observes that destruction of evidence
would be an abuse of the discovery process and result in sanctions even
though not expressly covered by specific
discovery statute]. Vallbona v. Springer (1996), 43 Cal.App.4th
1525 [CCP2023 (a)(4) & (b)(3) basis
for sanctions; no prior court. order for evid. & issue sanctions].
Do It Urself Moving & Storage Inc.
at p. 35 [prior order for discovery not required]. Kuhns v. State
of California (1992). Kohan v. Cohan
(1991),229 CA3d 967 [ 2023(b)(1) sanctions for improper expert
declaration]. Mattco Forge Inc. v. Arthur Young
& Co.(1990),[2023 list not exclusive; reconsideration motion
was abuse of discovery]. Contra Zellerino
v. Brown 235 CA3d 1097, lll4. Collisson & Kaplan v.
Hartunian(1994),2l Cal.App.4th 1611(Basis for
tr.ct.order but not issue on appeal). Waicis v. Superior Court
(1990), 226 Cal.App.3d 283, 287. Sherman
v. Kinetic Concepts (1998), [Despite lack of specific discovery
sanction provisions, CCP §2023(a) was
authority for post trial sanctions; concealment of documents; ct app.
reversed tr ct denial of sanctions and required
granting new trial and full monetary compensation for prior trial plus
consideration of further sanctions short
of default judgment].
Although plaintiff provided some responses after forcing defendant to
make the motion, Plaintiff advances the argument
that a party may refuse to provide discovery, ignore letters and other
efforts to obtain discovery informally,
force a person to make a motion, continue to ignore the discovery and
force a person to travel to court for an
appearance to obtain an order, and not be held accountable for their
actions simply because they ultimately admit
their wrongdoing and fail to file formal opposition. Under plaintiff's
approach to discovery, any party can ignore
discovery and force opposing parties to make motions and obtain orders
before there is any meaningful obligation
to respond. Discovery is supposed to be self-executing and motions are
not supposed to be a prerequisite to discovery.
In this case, defendant sent a meet and confer letter though there was
not even a statutory obligation to do so.
It appears that plaintiff ignored that overture and forced the motion.
Yet despite CCP 2023.010(i), under plaintiff's
theory of discovery, opposing parties and the court are powerless to
address such abuses if there is no formal
opposition to the discovery because none can be raised.
Numerous cases have implored trial courts to control discovery abuses.
See Calcor. Recently, in Cedars-Sinai,
the Supreme Court has emphasized the use of sanctions not expressly
authorized by statute to correct discovery
types of abuses. In Sherman v. Kinetic Concepts the appellate
court emphasized again the importance of controlling
abuses even though the specific abuse may not be within the exact
Plaintiff has not suggested any new facts support a different decision
from that at the prior hearing and a reconsideration
motion is a further abuse of discovery that has again forced defendant
to file opposition and come to court when
all that was required originally was a response in accord with the
Discovery Act and the courtesy to respond to
defendant's overture to resolve the matter. Plaintiff's motion is
denied and defendant's request for additional
sanctions is granted in the reasonable amount requested.
It should also be mentioned that the interpretation prohibiting
sanctions is totally inconsistent with the theory
of discovery being self executing and sanctions being "automatic" or
"mandatory" to compensate
parties for being forced to make unnecessary motions to get the
discovery they are entitled to receive without
a motion.
See the Deposition Case Outline
APPEAR FOR DEPOSITIONS unless you obtain a protective order prior thereto
A subpoena or notice obligates a person to attend a deposition. To
avoid the obligation to appear, a protective
order, preceded by a meet and confer, should be obtained. A
non-appearance by a party deponent is only permitted
in limited situations involving deficient notices and should not occur
except in clear cases. Merely objecting
to a deposition is insufficient to avoid the obligation to attend
except for consumer records objections per CCP
1985.3 and, arguably, when the notice for a party's deposition is
deficient and a "valid objection
under §2025.410 is served". [i.e.where the
notice fails to comply with Article 2
and timely objection is made per §2025.410, though the party
should seek a
protective order as authorized by §2025.410. See
C.C.P.§ 2025.450).] Written discovery allows a party to
specific objections to specific discovery requests
and to force the other side to seek court orders but depositions
normally do not. Instead the deposition provisions,
CCP §2025.410(c) and C.C.P. §2025.420(a) allow a person
objecting to discovery to
obtain a protective order to prevent the deposition
from going forward. Both protective order sections require a prior good
faith effort to resolve matters. They differ
in that CCP §2025.410(c) deals only with a failure to comply with
notice requirements of Article 2 while C.C.P. §2025.420(a) deals
with any objections. If a protective
order is sought pursuant to §2025.410(c), the deposition
is automatically stayed but that is not the case with a motion pursuant
to C.C.P. §2025.420(a) i.e. stopping the deposition process
is only authorized by the CCP in a limited situation.
The protection afforded by C.C.P.§2025.420(c)) is unclear and
limited, at
most, and does not authorize a party deponent
to serve objections, other than those expressly authorized, and ignore
the duty to attend. . Party deponents may
be involved in one of several alternative situations, only one of which
appears to be covered:
(1) fail to appear after serving a valid objection as to the form of notice per .420(c)
(2) fail to appear without serving any objections
(3) fail to appear after serving only an objection that is not within .420(c)
(4) fail to appear after serving an invalid objection that is within .420(c)
(5) appear but fail to proceed with deposition at all
(6) appear but fail to produce particular documents noticed for production
(7) appear but fail to answer specific questions.
Deposition procedures differ from other discovery, though a
deposition no-show is similar to a failure to respond
to written discovery. As illustrated by the recent case of Lego v.
Connerstone Building Inspection Service
(2001),86 Cal.App.4th 1109 a complete failure to appear does not
require the party noticing a deposition to meet
and confer over every issue that might arise in the deposition; but,
only to contact the opposing side to resolve
the scheduling problem. On a deposition "no show", the available
procedures do not suggest a meet and
confer over each potential issue, a discussion of each category or each
document, or a discussion of each potential
question. A separate statement would not be possible since there is no
formal response to the deposition notice
and no specific question and objection to rule upon.
Recent cases also suggests that discovery is not supposed to be a
hypertechnical game in which one attempts to
thwart legitimate discovery. The serving of boilerplate objections
followed by a refusal to appear serves little
purpose except to force parties to incur unnecessary expenses and is an
abuse of the discovery process. The provisions
for objecting to notice appear to force people to make technical
objections promptly in advance of the deposition
or waive them e.g. time or distance. If seriously and legitimately
concerned, the party should meet and confer
to resolve the problem and then seek a protective order.
Simply filing an objection pursuant to subsec .420(c) does not stay the
and it may not relieve a person of their
obligation to comply with a subpoena or notice to appear. If the
objection is ultimately found to be valid and
within Article 2 and if a party does not appear, §2025.420(c)
provides a
remedy: the deposition cannot be used against
that party. However, that benefit from the objection does not negate
the obligation of a deponent to appear pursuant
to notice or subpoena. C.C.P.§2025.440(b). To avoid the
obligation to appear, a protective order preceded
by a meet and confer is required.
The clear wording of the statutes and the legislative
history supports the position that an affidavit is required by CCP
1987.5 for a valid deposition subpoena involving both oral testimony
and records production per CCP 2020.510. Normally, a party wouldn't
raise the issue. But, when it is important, a careful review of the
statutes, the clear wording of the relevant code sections and the
legislative history may reveal an invalid subpoena since it was not
supported by an affidavit. If it is too late to re-serve a proper
subpoena, the discovery is lost.
For non-party depositions an affidavit showing "good cause" is not
required by CCP 2020.410 or 2020.510; but CCP1987.5 still requires an
affidavit on other matters for a valid subpoena pursuant to CCP2020.510
for a deposition of a non-party requiring both document production and
oral testimony. In a recent case involving subpoena of coucments for a
hearing the Fourth District Court of Appeal, Division 3, noted at page
17 of the slip opinion that the party's "...privacy concerns are
protected by Code of Civil Procedure section 1985's requirement of a
supporting affidavit demonstrating good cause for the production of the
information described and specificity in the "exact matters or things
desired to be produced'...." City of Los Angeles v. Superior Court
(2003) [8/27/03, 4th Dist. Div.3]
CCP§1985 requires that a copy of an affidavit be served with a
1. showing good cause for the production
2. specifying the exact matters to be produced
3. setting forth in full detail the materiality thereof to the issues
4. stating the witness has possession.
CCP§ 1987.5 states that the service of the subpoena is invalid
unless the affidavit is served and any evidence
obtained in violation of the provision may be excluded. The affidavit
provisions of both 1985 and 1987.5 expressly
apply to depositions. Prior to 1993 those provisions applied to CCP
§2020 depositions of nonparties with the
express exception that the subpoena "need not be accompanied by an
affidavit or declaration showing good cause
for the production…." In 1993, the legislature specifically addressed
this issue and exempted a business records
only deposition pursuant to §2020.410 [former CCP
§2020(d)] from all of the affidavit
requirements of 1987.5; however, it did
not exempt a records & testimony deposition pursuant to CCP
§2020.510. Thus, the most recent legislative
act reaffirms the clear wording of the statute that the affidavit is
required for the validity of the subpoena
when the non-party must appear pursuant to CCP 2020.510.
In 1986 when the new Discovery Act was enacted, former CCP
§2020(d) &
(e) did not eliminate the affidavit requirement
of CCP§§1985 and 1987.5. CCP §1985(b) specifies four
items to be included in the affidavit. The
legislature of course was aware of these statutory provisions in 1986
when it enacted the subsequent legislation
regarding depositions and it addressed that specific requirement. It
could have expressly provided that no affidavit
was required in either or both sections governing nonparty depositions
but did not do so. However, it clearly addressed
the issue. It excluded only one of the four items required by CCP
§1985 to be covered by the affidavit: the
good cause requirement, in both §2020.410 and §2020.510. In
1990 when it
considered and amended 1985 it did not change
the affidavit requirements for nonparty depositions. From the enactment
of the current Discovery Act to 1993 an
affidavit, except for the good cause requirement, was expressly
required for all non-party depositions requiring
document production. Again, in 1993, the legislature addressed the
specific issue of the affidavit requirements
of 1987.5 in connection with non-party depositions. It excluded the
affidavit requirement entirely when an appearance
was not required and only business records were sought pursuant to CCP
2020.410. It did not change the requirement
with regard to 2020510 when an appearance is required and other records
sought. It may have thought that the affidavit
is not necessary when only business records are sought from
relatively sophisticated deponents. It may have
thought the more onerous burden of an appearance justifies a more
onerous burden of the affidavit. It may have
thought that a 3rd party would move to quash if there was insufficient
showing or appear without contesting it
if the showing was sufficient. It may not have thought about this issue
at all. However, it clearly addressed the
issue and treated former section 2020(d) differently from 2020(e).
The legislature did not define "good cause" and "materiality" in this
statute. By contrast,
in CCP §2036 of the prior discovery law the legislature defined
good cause and distinguished it from materiality.
Nevertheless, the deletion of a requirement of a good cause showing
does not mean necessarily that one need not
show materiality. The express deletion of the good cause showing in CCP
2020 may have been intended to exclude
the other elements of good cause while still requiring a showing of
materiality which is still required by 1985
and 1987.5. Furthermore, there is a third subject that must be
addressed in the affidavits: the specified matters
to be produced. Perhaps the legislature envisioned a detailed
declaration going item by item explaining the materiality
of each item sought. The approach of the court in the Calcor case would
support that expectation and justification
for a declaration in cases where a potentially controversial
production, as opposed to routine records only depo,
would occur.
Should the legislature revisit this issue, it might determine if the
affidavit should be required at all and whether
it should differ depending on whether the subpoena is for trial or
pretrial deposition or deposition to be used
in lieu of trial testimony.
CCP §2025.230
A person taking a deposition of a deponent who is not a natural person
need only identify the subject matter with
reasonable particularity. The deponent "shall designate and produce"
the person most qualified
to testify on its behalf. The statute does not provide for objection or
refusal to produce on the basis that it
cannot find a knowledgeable person or even that it cannot find a
person. The deponent has a "duty to make
this designation." If it can act at all, it can find someone to
testify on its behalf. The selection is
up to the deponent but it must designate and produce someone to testify
on its behalf to the extent of any information
known or reasonably available to the deponent.
The statute contemplates the production of multiple persons to
testify since it uses the language "those
of its officers [etc] testify ...." It is important
for counsel to cooperate to make the
corporate deposition work and not to find ways to frustrate the
process. A restrictive reading of the statute is
not conducive to discovery and insisting that the deposition occur in
California may not be the most effective
way to conduct the deposition. Counsel should also consider using
telephones, possibly combined with video cameras,
and videoconferencing.
Maldonado v. Superior Court (2002), 94 Cal.App.4th 1390
The opinion suggested the witnesses, who was ordered to return to the
deposition, should
make a greater effort to be familiar with facts and
documents prior to testifying. The appellate court made clear that a
"reasonable search" for documents
had to be conducted and documents
had to be reproduced at deposition: "…the witness or someone in
authority is expected to make an inquiry of
everyone who might be holding responsive documents or everyone who
knows where such documents might be held."
Code of Civil Procedure Section 2025.410 does not require
pre-deposition objections to document production based on
privilege and other
substantive objections but only requires objections as to form and
adequacy of notice which includes the "reasonable particularity" of the
document request . All of the objections in Article 2
[prior subsections (b)-(f)] deal with notice objections, e.g.
time date, place. Section 2025.410 relates to objections to those
notice requirements
and refers to waivers of "errors and irregularities" in the
notice, not to waivers of objections based on privileges.
The CCP §2025 procedure is strikingly different from the
provisions for written discovery which expressly
require separate responses within a much longer time period to each
request for discovery and expressly provide
that failure to timely object to a particular request based on a
particular objection or privilege results in waivers
of objections including those based on privileges. Those express
requirements and consequences are lacking in the
CCP 2025 procedures.
Written discovery, including Requests for Production of Documents,
requires written responses within a limited
period of time including timely objection based on privilege. It
expressly provides for waiver of any objections
not timely made including the waiver of any privilege or work product
objection. See e.g. CCP §2031.300(a). It provides for prompt
motions to resolve any issues raised by objections.
Production of documents at deposition follows a different procedure
that does not require a written response or
objection and does not provide expressly for any waiver of privilege
and work product from a failure to object
prior to a deposition. CCP§2025.210 et seq. sets forth the notice
requirements for a deposition including production
of documents: time, place, distance, service, intent to videotape,
notice content, etc. In the case of "errors
and irregularities" in the notice from failure to comply with the
notice requirements of Article 2, C.C.P. §2025.410(a) requires
written objection specifying the error or irregularity. Failure to do
so waives objections to such
errors or irregularities in the notice. The subsection does not suggest
waivers of privilege or other substantive
objections from a failure to object to the notice. The subsection is
not clear as to the types of objections that
are waived if not made but it appears, consistent with the statutory
scheme, that they would be limited to matters
involving the adequacy of notice or hyper-technical objections: e.g. so
vague that a party would not know what
is being requested or minor errors such as a typo on the date of a
document. It might include burden or overbroad
objections such as the subpoena in Calcor Space Facility v.
Superior Court(1997) 53 Cal.App.4th 216 at p.222
[facially detailed subpoena in essence asked for all documents on
subject and required extensive search and effort
to fit into categories]. Although C.C.P.§2025.220(a)(4) provides
for noticing production of "materials" to be
produced and §2025.280(b) requires production, it does not require
formal responses or provide for waiver of privileges
or other substantive objections.
If a party objects to the production of documents, CCP
§2025.410(b)(11) expressly provides for a protective order
motion before, during or after a deposition. Filipoff v. Superior
Court (1961) 56 Cal.2d 443 [suspend deposition
when production is sought and seek protective order] Cases have
recognized the right to refuse to produce documents
at the deposition and require the party seeking production to move and
obtain court order. Monarch Healthcare
v. Superior Court (2000), 78 Cal.App.4th 1282 [3d party can object
at time of depo need not make motion to
quash; 1987.5 is permissive]. Johnson v. Superior Court (1968)
258 Cal.App.3d 829. (CCP 1987.). Roberts
v. Superior Court (1973) 9 Cal.3d 330,342.("There is nothing to
require an assertion of the privileged
nature of subpoenaed documents prior to a refusal to disclose the
documents made in response to the subpoena."
Subpoena to plaintiff's psychiatrist.) CCP §2025.480 provides for
a motion to compel if a deponent fails to
produce a document noticed for production but it requires a showing of
good cause. California courts have recognized
the alternative procedures available to raise objections to production
of documents at depositions. Monarch
Healthcare v. Superior Court (2000), 78 Cal.App.4th 1282 [Motion to
quash or appearing at depo and objecting
to production are alternatives; Motion to quash not required or a
prerequisite to raising objections on a motion
to compel production]. Slagle v. Superior Court (1989), 211
Cal.App.3d 1309 [Claim re irrelevancy of medical
records of defendant overruled; motion may be brought after production
date ]
When documents are sought from a party, the party is aware of the exact
nature and contents of the documents at
issue and can make and support objections and claims of privacy and
privilege. When a third party is deposed in
connection with a document production, both sides can elicit facts
regarding the subject documents to enable them
to make and resolve objections. However, when discovery is sought at a
records only deposition from third parties
who have no interest in the documents or the objections, it may be
difficult for either party or the court to determine
whether an objection is proper due to an absence of information. There
is also the danger that unexpected or unknown documents, to which an
objection might be proper, might be produced inadvertently.
[As to inadvertent production of privileged documents see Attorney
Client Privilege / Inadvertent
As to the ethical duty of the lawyer receiving such documents to
return notify opposing counsel, desist from use or return them see Discovery
Ethics / re inadvertent disclosure of e-data and metadata.
] See
Under those circumstance the parties may wish to address the problem by stipulation and/or court issued protective order that modifies the normal procedures. Counsel may wish to agree [See C.C.P. §2016.030 (former§2021)]
that all documents be produced to the deposition officer and be bate stamped;
that a copy of the bate stamped documents be produced to the person objecting and/or about whom or to whom the documents relate;
that all unobjectionable documents and redacted documents be produced immediately or within a limited time period;
that counsel meet to informally resolve any objections;
that, as to unresolved matters, the objecting party make any objections to production of documents or portions thereof in a manner similar to that required by CCP 2031 plus a factual statement in sufficient detail to establish the objections as to each document; and
that unresolved matters be presented to the court
Such a procedure works to the benefit of all parties and the court
and should be considered as a matter of routine whenever the
circumstances suggest unknown private or privileged or objectionable
information might be inadvertently disclosed. For counsel
representing the party whose information is being produced, it provides
better representation and protection. For counsel seeking production,
it protects against charges of ethical violations and motions to
disqualify. For the court, it provides for a meaningful and enlightened
meet and confer, for resolution by counsel, and for an informed court
consideration and decision in case the issues are not resolved.
See also Privacy, Depositions
and Discovery
of Electronic Data case outlines and AOL
Anonymous comments are posted by the author in state A, using an ISP in
state B, to post to a website server in
C, maintained by a company in D, concerning a subject in E, which is
published everywhere. The subject of the comments
does not like them and wants to stop them. It files a lawsuit in
California and immediately seeks the name of the
author. At least one appellate court in California has recognized a
first amendment right to speak anonymously
based upon free speech and privacy rights. Rancho Publication v.
Superior Court (1999), 68 Cal.App.4th 1538
[newspaper standing to assert rights of anonymous publishers of
political ads. See Privacy outline
re possible duty to do so]. A federal district court in Washington has
taken the same position. Doe v. 2THEMART.COM
(W.D.WASH.2001), 140 F.Supp2d 1088
Although anonymous posters to internet sites may have rights to free
speech or anonymity [anti-slaap suits, 1st
amendment, Constitutional Right to Privacy] and may have some
objections to jurisdiction or venue, once a law suit
is filed and discovery commenced any rights may not be asserted due to
lack of notice. The only known notice requirement
is that provided pursuant to CCP §§2020, 2025 as interpreted
in California Shellfish v. United
Shellfish(1997), 56 Cal.App.4th 16. CCP §2025.210 (b) places a
hold on depositions until 20 days after service
of a summons or appearance of a defendant. The Shellfish case
held that notice of the records deposition
must be given to at least one defendant. The court noted at page 23
that notice to some "adverse" party
was the "minimum protection" required to guard against abuses. The code
allows for "earlier"
service pursuant to court order but does not dispense with notice.
However, whoever may be named as a defendant
may not have a duty or interest in protecting the identity or rights of
an anonymous poster unless such duty is
imposed by the courts. California Shellfish suggests
notice to an adverse party i.e. one likely
to resist and assert rights. Rancho Publication confirms
standing to assert privacy rights of absent third
parties. Privacy cases suggest a duty to assert such rights on behalf
of absent third parties. Valley Bank of
Nevada v. Superior Court (1975), 15 Cal.3d 652 at p.658 ["...we
conclude that before confidential customer
information may be disclosed in the course of civil discovery
proceedings, the bank must take reasonable steps
to notify its customer of the pendency and nature of the proceedings
and to afford the customer a fair opportunity
to assert his interests by objecting to disclosure, by seeking an
appropriate protective order, or by instituting
other legal proceedings to limit the scope or nature of the matters
sought to be discovered."] Board of
Trustees v. Superior Court (1981) 119 Cal.App.3d 516,525. Binder
v. Superior Court (1987) 196 Cal.App.3d
893 at p.899. Olympic Club v. Superior Court (1991) 229
Cal.App.3d 358, 361. Of course, failure to perform
that duty may give rise to liability. Cutter v. Brownbridge
(1986) 183 Cal.App.3d 836. California privacy
law would suggest an ISP has a duty to notify its customers of the
potential intrusion into their privacy. In Doe
v. 2THEMART.COM the ISP gave notice by email and the anonymous
poster to a message board made an anonymous
motion to quash which was granted on first amendment grounds
Despite extensive coverage, the consumer notice provisions of CCP
§1985.3 do not appear to apply to records
of ISP's, portals, bulletin boards or web sites. Thus, the consumer of
such services does not get notice that private
records and information may be discovered and an opportunity to object
to production of all or some of the information
sought. In addition, giving actual notice to anonymous persons is
problematic though not impossible. The AOL policy
provides some minimal protection comparable
to the 1985.3 notice by delaying production for 2 weeks while it
provides members with notice and an opportunity
to object. The AOL policy also requires production by the party seeking
identity of members of some documentation
to justify the production. However, it cannot provide the protection of
staying production pending court resolution
of any objections.
Unlike prior law and trial subpoena, the current discovery act does not
require an affidavit showing the relevancy
of the information sought or good cause for its production. CCP
§§ 2020.410(c), 1987.5, 1985. The ISP or
other witness merely receives a legal document requiring production of
numerous documents that may not be discoverable
when scrutinized by an adverse party or the persons whose privacy may
be invaded. Much greater protection is provided
on a motion to perpetuate testimony.
Do It Yourself videotaped depositions
If you are video recording an expert or a treating or consulting
physician and you want to reserve the right to use
the video at trial, even though the deponent is available, then you
have to use an operator who meets certain qualifications:
authorized to administer an oath, not financially interested, not a
relative or employee of the attorney. See C.C.P.
2025.340(c), 2025.620(d), 2025.340(m)
Otherwise, for other deponents and when those provisions don't apply,
the operator may be an employee of the attorney
and need only "be competent to set up, operate and monitor the
equipment" in accord with the statute.
See C.C.P.§2025.340(b). Don't forget to notice the videotaping
pursuant to C.C.P.§2025.220(a)(5).
Nothing prohibits the attorney from operating the video. Nothing
prohibits the use and admissibility of such videos
so long as the normal requirements are met.
Video taping is sometimes an effective means of controlling abusive
conduct and obstruction of the deposition process
even if it is never used as evidence. If it doesn't work to control
abuses, it can be used to justify the appointment
of a referee at your opponent's expense. The savings of one motion
should pay for the equipment. It can allow mock
juries and persons not present at the deposition to evaluate the
witness. A picture is worth.... Digital video
cameras have improved in quality and been reduced in cost. OF COURSE,
YOU MAY WANT A PROFESSIONAL. See Green v. G.T.E.California Inc.(1994),
29 Cal.App.4th 407 for tips on how
not to do it.
Legislation to permit video recording by a person who is not
authorized to adminsister oaths was passed by large majorities in the
Assembly and Senate but vetoed by Governor Davis.
WHAT IS YOUR OPINION OR EXPERIENCE OR ADVICE ? Email it to us and we can add it to the practice tips.
OBJECTIONS: a legal and ethical problem
One of the most common and flagrant abuses of discovery is the
making of boilerplate, general objections to written discovery.
Frequently, such objections are made without any thought to their
applicability to any of the requested discovery and without any
knowledge of the material or information being sought. Such a tactic is
contrary to law and to the purpose and intent of the discovery process.
Discovery is supposed to be self-executing. Parties requesting relevant
non-privielged information are supposed to receive it in 30 days.
A common tactic is to disregard the legal obligation to respond
properly in accord with the law, serve boilerplate objections and force
the propounder of discovery to negotiate for partial answers. If
partial answers are provided, they are often equivocal and qualified so
as to be of little value or meaning. The end result is increased
delay, expense and meaningless responses.
There are some occassions when a party may have an objection that
goes to the entire set of discovery and is properly made, such as
when the time for propounding discovery has passed the cutoff.
The better remedy in that case is a prompt motion for a protective
order and compensatory
sanctions after a good faith meet and confer. Generally,
boilerplate general objections are sanctionable in California per Korea
Data Systems Co. Ltd. v. Superior Court (1997), 51 Cal.App.4th 1513
and may result in a waivers of privileges in the 9th Circuit per
& Santa Fe
Ry Co. v.
General objections and other equivocal response to discovery are not
authorized. The current statute does not condone such general
objections and provides for sanctions on motions unless the objector
shows "substantial justification". The C.C.P. requires that a
party respond to each request and if there
are objections that they be made to the particular request, with regard
to particular information and by identifying particular matter to which
the objection applies. For example, a response to document requests
requires a party to "respond separately
to each item or
category" in one of three manners including "an objection to the particular demand". "Each... objection in the response
shall bear the same number... as the corresponding
item... in the demand." C.C.P. §2031.210. If there is
objection to producing "an item",
the response must "identify with
particularity any which an objection is being
made" and "set forth clearly the extent of, and the specific ground for, the objection".
C.C.P. §2031.240(b). C.C.P. §2031.250(c). The current statute
does not permit incorporation of any objections by reference.
Similarly, C.C.P.§2030.210(a) requires a response "separately to
each interrogatory". C.C.P.§2030.220(a) provides "each
answer shall be as complete and straightforward as the information
reasonably available ...permits." A party can object to part and answer
part but not qualify everything so that the other party cannot rely on
the response. C.C.P.§ 2030.300(a)(3) recognizes that objections
that are "too general" are improper. By analogy,
C.C.P.§2030.060(d) prohibits prefaces or instructions suggesting
that similar material should not be permitted in responses. C.C.P.
§2033 follows a similar pattern as to admissions.
General objections, usually pure boilerplate, have been condemned by
appellate courts as "nuisance
objections" and, even when involving important privileges, have
necessitated monetary sanctions to compensate
for the time wasted in eliminating them. See Standon v. Superior
Court(1990), 225 Cal.App.3d 898 [nuissance objections]. Korea
Data Systems Co. Ltd. v. Superior Court (1997), 51 Cal.App.4th 1513
[sanctions for general objections even thought attorney-client
privilege preserved]. See also United Farm Workers of America
v. Superior Court (1975) 47 Cal.App.3d 334, 347 (Abuse of
discretion to strike entire set of interrogatories
even though "many. . . appear to have no relevancy and appear intended
only to harass."); Wooldridge
v. Mounts (1962) 199 Cal.App.2d 620.[Set stricken on eve of
trial.]; Cembrook v. Superior Court (1961)
56 Cal.2d 423, 430. [Objections to entire set of requests for
admissions indicates a lack of good faith.]
When challenged in court, general objections to an entire set
should be stricken and sanctions awarded. Of course the proponent
of any objections has the burden of proof to establish each and every
one. The failure to do so in each instance should result in the
objection being overrruled and sanctions awarded unless substantial
justification for such objection is shown. Absent a showing of
justification for such objections, a party forced to come to court to
eliminate them is entitled to compensation
by way of monetary sanctions. Recent cases have lent support to
courts imposing punitive sanctions in appropriate cases to control
intentional abuses of discovery.
The abuse of general obections goes to the heart of the discovery
process raising ethical questions of lawyers who employ such tactics
that are contrary to law and cause such harm. Lawyers must be
encouraged to comply with the law and courts must issue fully
compensatory sanctions to those who are victims of such abuses.
Otherwise, the abuses will continue. The fault is not with the
rules but with those who violate and fail to enforce them.
See the Documents Production Case Outline
common error in document production
CCP Section 2031.210 details how a party is to respond to a
request for documents but many lawyers either
don't read it or don't follow it as to all particulars set forth. The
result? Monetary sanctions and an order to
respond in accord with the CCP + delay + wasted time and money for all
concerned. Such was the case in
Barker Company, Inc.. v. Ferguson Safety Products, Inc,
2006 WL 648674 (N.D.Ca.2006). The trial
court noted the failure to respond to a document request in accord
with the discovery rules necessitated granting the
motion for further responses:
are too ambiguous to ... determine the extent to which [responding
party] may be withholding responsive documents based on its other
objections rather than asserting that no responsive documents exist.
While ... responses were not "boilerplate" in the sense of
containing only generalized objections of a sort that might be found
in any case, Ferguson did repeat the same long paragraph of
objections and explanations in all of its responses, regardless of
the applicability of that recitation to the particular request."
Note also ! There is no provision for "general objections" in 2031 or anywhere else in the Discovery Act. C.C.P. Section 2031 expressly requires the party to "respond separately to each item or category...." The result? Striking general objections and another award of monetary sanctions. Remember, if you object you have the burden of proof on each and every objection. So, when you insert your boilerplate, nuissance objections, be prepared to supply the facts to sustain each objection or to pay sanctions for abuse of the discovery process by frivolous objection.
In approaching cost shifting and other electronic discovery
issues it is critical that lawyers educate themselves
on the technology and provide meaningful factual and expert
declarations to educate the court. When necessary,
courts should insist that they do so. Generalities and argument are not
sufficient by themselves. Generic, conclusionary
or superficial expert declarations will not be persuasive. The facts,
the technology, the costs of particular aspects
of discovery in the context of the case at bar must be considered in
evaluating all relevant factors, including
those articulated in recent cases of Rowe and Zubulake,
infra., in order to properly resolve the
discovery issue before the court.
Cost shifting has long been recognized as one of the tools available to
courts for regulating and facilitating
discovery. It has become more important in the context of electronic
discovery where the cost of production of
e-mail between a few key persons may run into hundreds of thousands of
dollars. Like other jurisdictions, California
authorizes cost shifting as one of the tools available to a trial court
to regulate and facilitate the discovery
process. In San Diego Unified Port Dist. v. Douglas E. Barnhart, Inc.
(2002) 95 Cal.App.4th 1400, 1404 the
California Court of Appeal confirmed the power of trial courts to
reallocate or shift the costs of discovery though
it rejected the allocation in that case:
"The court's quoted statement reflects a principle of fundamental fairness and equity: When a party demands discovery involving significant "special attendant" costs beyond those typically involved in responding to routine discovery, the demanding party should bear those costs. This principle is reflected in certain California discovery statutes. Section 2034, subdivision (i)(3), requires a party seeking to depose another party's retained expert to pay the expert's fee for appearing for deposition. Under section 2025, subdivision (p), the party noticing a deposition ordinarily bears the cost of transcribing the deposition."
In addition to the statutory authorities cited, protective order
sections provide express authority for cost
California Code of Civil Procedure Section 2019(b):
"The court shall restrict the frequency or extent of use of these discovery methods if it determines either of the following:
(1) The discovery sought … is obtainable from some other source that is more
convenient, less burdensome, or less expensive.
(2) The selected method of discovery is unduly burdensome or expensive, taking into account the needs of the case, the amount in controversy, and the importance of the issues at stake in the litigation."
California Code of Civil Procedure §2031(f):
" ….The court, for good cause shown, may make any order that justice requires to protect any party or other natural person or organization from unwarranted annoyance, embarrassment, or oppression, or undue burden and expense. This protective order may include, but is not limited to,…:
(1) That all or some … need not be produced or made available at all.
(4) That the inspection be made only on specified terms and conditions.
…the court may order that the party to whom the demand was directed provide or permit the discovery …on terms and conditions that are just."
California Code of Civil Procedures Section 2031.281(b) provides for cost shifting in the context of computer or electronic data discovery:
"If necessary, the responding party at the reasonable expense of the demanding party shall, through detection devices, translate any data compilations included in the demand into reasonably usable form."
Toshiba America Electronic Components, Inc., v. Superior Court (2004),124 Cal. App. 4th 762. The Court stated: “The clause is unequivocal. ... its plain language clearly states that if translation is necessary, the responding party must do it at the demanding party’s reasonable expense.” No objection or showing of undue burden is required. The court suggested trial court decisions may be required on 2 issues: the applicability of 2031(g)(1) and the reasonableness of expenses.
The California Supreme Court recognized in Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co. v. Superior Court (1970), 2 Cal.3d 161, fn.15 a slightly different approach to reach the same result as applying a cost/benfit or cost shifting analysis by recognizing that the concept of discovery relevancy expands and contracts depending upon the nature of the case and the expenses of discovery:
"Commentators have suggested that in recognition of the practical operational problems involved, the "relevancy" test should perhaps expand and contract according to the size and complexity of the case. Thus in a small case dealing with facts and issues of moderate quantity, the trial court could adopt a very relaxed view of relevancy and still keep the discovery under control; in a large, complex case dealing with numerous and diverse issues, a court could adopt more restrictive standards to contain discovery within manageable limits. (See Developments in the Law--Discovery (1961) 74 Harv.L.Rev. 940, 1008; The Practical Operation of Federal Discovery (1952) 12 F.R.D. 131, 143 (remarks of Mr. Connelly).) Under such an approach, in which the size of the litigation and the amount of prior discovery constitute important factors, we would, then, substantially defer to a trial court determination that certain inquiries should be permitted."
Courts have many alternative remedies available depending on the
issues and facts presented. It must be emphasized
that as a practical matter the quality of the ultimate decision will
depend on the quality of the advocacy: garbage
in, garbage out. Some judges may be more proactive and insist on
additional facts or briefing but the norm is likely
to be a decision based on what is presented by counsel. If the parties
simply present an "all or nothing alternative"
to the court, they are likely to receive an "all or nothing" decision.
If there are no declarations providing
meaningful facts or expert analysis, what is left? If the alternatives
consist of general rules applied by courts
in the past, the court may pick from general rules which may or may not
be appropriate to the case or issues before
the court.
General rules include: (1) the producing party bears the expense of
production based on the rationale that it chose
the form and manner of storage; (2) the producing party bears the cost
of review for privilege, relevancy, and
response to the request by category; (3) the requesting party bears the
cost of copying, handling and review. In
addition, there are general rules of discovery that allow for court
discretion not the least of which is that courts
are always called upon to balance the need for discovery against the
burden in a cost / benefit analysis. Normally
the parties and the court will not have one analysis to make on a given
motion; but many, with results varying
depending on the facts and analysis of each request: some granted, some
denied, granted on condition, granted as
modified, denied without prejudice to rephrasing with grater
specificity, etc. In essence, the courts have broad
discretion and they exercise it on a daily basis. It need not be an all
or nothing rule as to who pays for discovery.
Sometimes, considering all relevant factors it is fair for one side or
the other to pay for some items or the cost
may be allocated or apportioned. Sometimes, the courts may proceed more
cautiously to gather evidence as to the
value and cost of the discovery by employing limited discovery or
sampling. See McPeek v. Ashcroft 202 F.R.D.
31 (D.D.C. 2001) [the more likely to yield dirrectly relevant
information the more the producer should pay; marginal
value of search] See also the follow up decision in McPeek
2002WL 75780 where counsel reached opposite conclusion
on the value of the sample but the court denied further discovery. Cf.
Zublake III (S.D.N.Y., 7/24/03) where,
based on sampling results from 5 tapes, the court ordered production
from all backup tapes but allocated restoration
costs 75% producer and 25% requester with producer paying all other
costs e.g. review for relevance and privilege.
The emergence of electronic discovery as a norm and the potential costs
involved have added importance to court
control and analysis of the discovery process including the issues
regarding cost shifting. General rules work
fine when there are a hundred paper documents in a file. But when there
are several hundred thousand documents
or millions of documents in electronic form, allocated to clusters of
bits and bytes all over a hard drive, speadsheets,
meta data that may be critical or of interest, data that is constantly
changing, proprietary software that is required
to read the documents, privileged and non-responsive documents
intermingled, etc alternative approaches may be
Several recent cases have gone beyond the issue of whether costs can be
shifted or apportioned and have wrestled
with the issues of when, based on what factors, and to what extent
production costs should be shifted from the
producing party to the requesting party. See Simon Property Group
v. mySimon Inc.(S.D.Ind.2000), 194 F.R.D.
639 [party seeking discovery paid for "neutral" court expert to conduct
forensic computer examination].
Most are federal district court cases and though not controlling
provide ideas and guidance for trial courts confronted
with similar issues. Murphy Oil USA v. Fluor Daniel Inc. (2/19/02,
E.D. La.) 2002 WL 246439. Playboy
Enterprises v. Welles (S.D. Cal.1999), 60 F. Supp.2d 1050 [Tr Ct
established protocol: mirror image by neutral
expert at requesting party's expense; producing party to print and
review all documents and submit privilege log
]. Rowe Entertainment v. The William Morris Agency (S.D.N.Y.
2002), 205 F.R.D. Zubulake v. UBS Warburg
(S.D.N.Y. May 2003). Rowe and Zubulake followed by McPeek
are the must read cases and
no analysis of them is offered here.
Cost shifting is not an issue on every discovery request and the issue
must be raised by the responding party by
objection, by protective order or possibly by opposition to a motion to
compel production. Presumably, the responding
party raising the issue would have the initial burden of proof to show
that cost shifting should be considered
and implemented. Zublake recognizes the presumption that the
producer normally pays for the costs of production. Rowe and Zubulake
attempt to articulate the factors that should be considerd once the
issue of
cost shifting is raised. Many lawyers have reacted to Zubulake
as if it were a rejection of Rowe and of
cost shifting rather than a refinement. However, it is important to
place Zubulake and the other cases in
the proper prospective. What is the holding as to what specific facts?
On what court is the decision binding? Assuming
the case is binding or persuasive, is it possible to distinguish the
facts, technology, costs, and the application
of the seven factors of Zubulake or the eight factors of Rowe
from the relevant factors in your case?
It is also important in considering the dictum and analysis of the Zubulake
I and III opinions to look at
the similarities with Rowe and other cases and the more
important teachings of Zubulake. Counsel
should not extract a sentence from the detailed opinions in order to
find a rigid principle to apply without regard
to the broader principles or the specific holding of the case. Zubulake
and Rowe both follow the
general rule set forth in Rowe that is a fundamental discovery
tenet common to most jurisdictions:
" 'Under [the discovery] rules, the presumption is that the responding party must bear the expense of complying with discovery requests.' Oppenheimer Fund, Inc. v. Sanders, 437 U.S. 340, 358 (1978). Nevertheless, a court may protect the responding party from "undue burden or expense" by shifting some or all of the costs of production to the requesting party. Id. (citing Fed.R.Civ.P. 26(c)). Here, the expense of locating and extracting responsive e-mails is substantial, even if the more modest estimates of the plaintiffs are credited. Therefore, it is appropriate to determine which, if any, of these costs, are "undue," thus justifying allocation of those expenses to the plaintiffs."
Worth noting is that the estimated costs in Rowe were
substantially higher than those in Zubulake
but the high cost was not the only or even a determining factor. Cf. Medtronic
Sofamor Danek, Inc. v. Michelson,
(W.D.Tenn., 5/13/03). In Zubulake it appeared that
there was preliminary discovery and evidence presented
to support the merits of the case and substantial damages, to show less
than diligent search and production to
date, to establish a strong likelihood that evidence would be
discovered on the backup tapes and that alternatives
had not been productive. A smoking gun was presented and plaintiff
found more e-mails than defendant. But this
is getting ahead of the decision. Based on what the parties
presented to the court, discovery was ordered
as to some matters where cost was not significant and the court
employed a sampling approach to 5 backup tapes
as a preliminary step on the costly aspects of discovery. See also the McPeek
cases re sampling. Based on
that sampling the court ordered the requesting party to pay 25% of
restoration costs of the remaining backup tapes
and the producing party to pay all other production costs.
What is important for counsel to note from the decisions is the need
for counsel to understand and educate the
court on the facts of the case and especially the technology, costs,
alternatives, and all other relevant factors.
Normally, this will require meaningful declarations from experts. No
rigid black letter rules will be applicable
to make life easy for lawyers or judges. It should be emphasized that
all factors are not equal and that this is
not a mathematical exercise but a qualitative analysis. It is not
critical whether a court calls the analysis a
seven factor, an eight factor, or a two factor cost/benefit analysis so
long as all relevant factors are considered.
This issue is not a choice between bankrupting a defendant with an
onerous discovery request or depriving a plaintiff
of due process and discovery to present her case. It is a search for a
practical solution and for justice for all
Counsel should be wary of one common trap: conceding discoverability of
everything and leaping to the cost shifting
issue. Before litigating such issues, more attention and efforts to
resolve disputes should be focused on preliminary
issues such as the following:
1. Overbredth of a request taken as a whole and the requirement that documents be requested with reasonable particularity. See Calcor v. Superior Court(1997), 53 Cal.App.4th 216.
2. The degrees of relevance of the request and the probability of obtaining directly relevant evidence at reasonable cost as opposed to exhaustive and expensive discovery on the hope of finding potentially relevant information.
3. The use of sampling and gradual or staggered discovery [i.e. start with the discovery most likely to yield directly relevant evidence and the lowest cost and progress to less productive and more expensive discovery with appropriate cost shifting based on prior results]
3. Exhaustion of reasonable alternatives before pursuing the most expensive discovery.
4. Meet and confer and case management efforts, at an early stage and including the input of experts, to focus and facilitate e-discovery considering all factors and suggestions from the courts in cases such as Rowe and Zublake.
5. Consider whether privilege issues be avoided or postponed by stipulations that production of documents will not be a waiver of privilege.
See also the section on Discovery
of Electronic Data
See the Admissions Case Outline
Supreme Court overrules prior cases and permits relief from matters deemed admitted due to failure to timely serve verified responses
Wilcox v. Birtwhistle (11/22/99), Cal.4th . SEE NEW DEVELOPMENTS
A party failing to respond may obtain relief from matters deemed admitted by "withdrawing or amending" admissions pursuant to CCP 2033(m). The decision affirms 66 Cal.App.4th 1065 and overrules or disapproves prior appellate decisions: e.g. Courtesy Claims; St.Paul; Allen-Pacific, Demyers, Brigante, Tobin.